in my place in my place

yeah, I was just relocating the dusty drawers in my head, and you were sitting on this old chair, saying: do I look like me? and I looked at you thinking, yeah you do, but never bothered to tell you.. and you said: is that ok to light a cigarrette in here? and I said: do you smoke? and you were like: no I mean I just ask for other people. and I said I hardly ever have others in here, and you said: do you listen to music? and I said: yeah I listen to birds fart sometimes! and we both laughed..and you said: yeah you look the same and I was thinking you look cuddly ..and you said: did you say something? and I said no! and I was looking for what I pictured you in my matches...right.. I miss you yeah..and I am off to go out of my head and you are sitting on that chair and I ask you: you comfy in there? and you nod...

1 comment:

Mahsa said...

hey vahshi!!!!ina kare khodete?????hamashuno dust daram va in yeko az hame bishtar!!!aaalllliiiii to!!!!jedan keyf kardam!!!!!!